Adventist Church Berlin-Spandau

"Herz & Hand" - Our project for the city in cooperation with the AWW (Advent-Wohlfahrtswerk)

Great social commitment and a broad heart for the needs of the poorest in our society characterize the employees of our welfare projects, which are run under the auspices of the AWW (Adventist Welfare Organization).

Since December 1997, we have been distributing food for the needy on our premises. In the beginning, visitors could be counted on one hand, but now dozens of guests come. The food distribution provides people with what we collect from local markets. For a small donation, you can receive a food parcel with baked goods, fruit, vegetables and current offers as well as cake and a good, hot cup of coffee or tea. Proof of eligibility is not required.

Food is distributed on Friday.
The distribution of numbers starts at 11 a.m. and the distribution of food starts at 12 noon.

By the way: we are always grateful for a helping hand, please contact us!

We can always use employees (e.g. drivers and distribution helpers). Just get in touch with us.

We warmly welcome your donations to this account:

Note: The sponsorship of the "Heart&Hand" project will soon change,
we therefore ask you to refrain from making donations until the new connection details are published!

Advent-Wohlfahrtswerk Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.
Project: Freundeskreis „Herz & Hand“ Spandau
Account: AWW Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE30 1002 0500 0003 1268 00
Donation purpose: Zuwendung für „Herz & Hand“